A Living Church
Dear friends
I have been doing a great deal of thinking about the importance of the body of Christ known as the church. The church is comprised of believers that love the
Lord and have committed their lives to Him. The beauty of salvation is that it is free to all, and many people worldwide have experienced this reality. God is not limited by our evangelism methods for His Holy Spirit is alive and well on earth today, calling people to Himself.
The church was born on the day of Pentecost after the resurrection of Jesus Christ and it continues to grow through the work of that same Holy Spirit that identified itself in great power through signs and wonders.
The history account of the early church tells us that those that came to faith in Jesus Christ met together to devote themselves to the teaching of the apostles, prayer, the breaking of bread and fellowship.
Today given the condition of the world, I find myself devoting myself to the reading and study of God’s word and prayer but I miss the communion table experience and the fellowship of the church.
The body of Christ was never meant to exist in isolation. I think I have a better appreciation of the underground church today, because of our restrictions in meeting together. Probably most of you feel the same way I do.
So why is this corporate time of fellowship so special?
The Greek word for fellowship is Koinonia. It means more that just being together, it means sharing and caring for one another. It expresses how much we need each other for encouragement and motivation in living our Christian lives.
Church was never meant to be a spectator sport.
Church was never meant for unsaved people to feel entertained.
You are the church and you are meant to have fellowship with other Christians. When that closeness no longer exists you are out of fellowship with the saints. The Christian church was known for their love for one another.
I Corinthians 12:12-27 describes this fellowship in medical terms. (read it)
God knows how much we need each other. I do understand why some folks don’t have the need for the fellowship that is described in this passage.
It’s easy to withdraw when you are hurt by another believer, even a pastor.
It’s easy to stay home on a Sunday morning and watch a television program or video on your computer from some amazing preacher in a thriving church.
The reason this is becoming more popular is that you don’t have to financially give to this ministry to keep it alive, you don’t have to drive to a building, and you don’t have to feel committed to show up if you don’t want to. Virtual Church what a thought. It’s not what Jesus intended for His people. A church that is all about me is not a church of His choosing.
So what’s my point?
There is nothing that can fill the need for Christian fellowship, except the gathering of God’s people who truly love being together.
We need each other. Each one of us are an important part of the body and when that part is missing it’s just not the same.
Story: I was watching a documentary recently about a gentleman who was working as a forklift operator for the Ford Motor Company. When the covid virus struck the U.S.A. the ford motor company reconfigured their assembly plant to build ventilators. The forklift operator was part of the assembly line. His job was to insert a valve for breathing purposes. A very delicate and intricate process was vital to make the machine give life to those who depended on a ventilator. His job went from driving a forklift to giving life to people in desperate need.
Your part in the fellowship of the saints is a lifegiving role.
I am so looking forward to being together in the reality of the fellowship of the saints. There was a song by Joanie Mitchell some years ago that sums up rather well what I’m trying to say.
“You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone.”
I trust that when we meet together again in corporate worship, we will treasure the fellowship of the saints.
Until He comes to take us Home, let’s enjoy fellowship.
Pastor Larry