Nathan Lewke
Senior Pastor
Nathan was born and raised in the Okanagan. Having moved away to get a BSc in Biology, he realized the error of his ways and returned to this little slice of paradise. After pursing a track towards medicine, he answered God’s call to redirect him towards a path of ministry. He graduated from Trinity Western University’s ACTS Seminary with a Master of Divinity and has over half a decade of experience pastoring in the Okanagan. From hiking trails to beach days, he and his wife Brea, along with their daughter Abigail, love to take advantage of all that the valley has to offer.

Terri Ufimzeff
Office Administrator
Terri has lived in the Okanagan for most of her life. Though she was born in Kelowna, she repented and has lived in Vernon for some time with her wonderful husband Paul. Having graduated from Seaton, she now devotes herself to serve the community she was brought up in. She is a proud mom to four amazing adults and enjoys studying God’s Word, traveling when she can, enjoying the Okanagan outdoors, her church family, and Jesus who is never far from her mind.