Good morning church
A number of you have commented on the voice recorded messages and I am grateful for your encouragement. There’s something about a person’s familiar voice that brings a connection with those you love.
On that note I want to encourage you to connect with those you love by phone and because it is Mother’s day this Sunday it’s another great opportunity to connect.
All of us are born of mother’s and God’s design for a loving mother is so needed today. At the same time there are those that long to be mothers and can’t for various reasons so I want to honor women and how God has made you unique and given you special roles in marriage, family and the church.
I find that women often are the backbone of a church’s ministry. If you do a study of women in the bible you soon see the unique role of women in God’s plan for the Church.
If we didn’t have women in ministry at Faith Baptist we would have a very small influence in our church and in our community. So I want to thank the women of Faith Baptist Church and recognize your vital role in the existence and future of this ministry. Your unique gifting and caring is abundantly evident as I have had the privilege to observe and work alongside some of you.
I’d like to share some thoughts on family and the unique role of men and women in family.
My scripture text is Ephesians 5:22-33
What is the biblical definition of family?
What is the biblical definition of marriage?
These are two very important questions that the church has to deal with today.
The church’s impact on society is directly related to a biblical understanding and practice of marriage and family. This text in Ephesians 5 is a dangerous text when two words are misunderstood.
The two words are submission and love. When you read this passage in the context of why it is written you see in verse 32 that “this mystery is profound” and it refers to Christ and the Church.
There is to be a love relationship between the Church and Jesus Christ, which includes love, submission and respect, just as it applies to family and marriage. Christian family and marriage are the best examples of
what our relationship with Jesus should be.
The family is the masterpiece of God’s creation.
Marriage and parenthood reveal God’s character.
God put children in families so they can experience His love and learn how to love others.
Our society today has no respect for the biblical view of marriage and family. In fact they can’t even give a biblical definition to marriage or family.
The biblical definition of family is all about submission, love and respect. Submission is not dominance over others. In fact mutual submission and respect is required in all human relations. The Bible is full of examples of submission to those in authority, because there is purpose in having order. In God’s design for marriage he created women and men in unique ways that make marriage a beautiful union, when those unique differences are celebrated and practiced.
The Bible teaches headship for men and submission for women. “For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church.” It’s when you look at what the headship of Christ is that you understand submission.
Headship has a tremendous price to it. What husband is ready to give his life for his wife? That is the greatest demonstration of love. That is what men are called to in marriage. Tell me what woman would not want to live under that protection, care and love because that is what God’s design for men in marriage is all about?
With that kind of understanding I challenge:
Men, love your wives as Christ loved the Church.
Women respect your husbands and submit to their God given authority.
What am I trying to say?
Covid 19 is a gift to us in allowing us to spend time in close relationship with those we love. For some Covid 19 has robbed them of being close to those they love and long to be with, and they miss the loving arms of human touch.
For those that grieve, or for those that are hurting an appropriate hug can be so healing.
I think of that song “We have this moment”.
The words that come to mind are:
Tender words,
Gentle touch
And a good cup of coffee
And someone who loves me and wants me to stay.
Hold them near
While they’re here
And don’t wait for tomorrow to look back and wish for today.
May we apply these truths to strengthen our marriages and build strong godly families.
Pastor Larry
Chuck’s journey is one of incredible redemption for the glory of God! Sit down with him over some good coffee and he’ll gladly tell you of all the Lord has done for him. And then he’ll love to hear your story.