by faithbaptistvernon | May 7, 2020 | Larry Woelke, Pastor's Devotionals
Good morning church A number of you have commented on the voice recorded messages and I am grateful for your encouragement. There’s something about a person’s familiar voice that brings a connection with those you love. On that note I want to encourage you...
by faithbaptistvernon | Apr 23, 2020 | Larry Woelke, Pastor's Devotionals
Devotion from Romans 12:1-3 Dear friends: This past week we heard about a mass shooting in Nova Scotia. The largest mass killing this country has ever experienced. As of today the death total stands at 22 people. Innocent people killed for no known...
by faithbaptistvernon | Apr 15, 2020 | Larry Woelke, Pastor's Devotionals
Dear Friends: I would much rather be sitting across from you and having this conversation, but circumstances today do not allow this to happen. I know that all of us are making adjustments to the way we live, and we truly miss our times of fellowship at the...